Violence never brings Parmanent "PEAce"

from the history pakistan and india have violence issues and till yet it's not get solved..when i start looking at the both nations i see that there is not so much umbrage between them,there is same sweet people as pakistan in india.there is no much anger between them,and which anger they have that is just an misuderstandings.which creat anger and violence between the both nations.the solution of the peace is to remember that pakistan and indian people are same there is also a lots of people there in pakistan which have good image in the eyes of indians and also there is people who have good image in the eyes of pakistani people.

if we look around and see there is no difference between pak and india,they think same they speak same and also do everything same :)
the violence is in our minds and in our thinkings,and we just have to think better about each other (y)

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